Conference + Expo
[April 26-29, 2021 | Online]

Elinor Cohen
Position: Founder of Digital and Engagement Consultancy Businesses
Company: The Engagement Strategy Group
Country: Italy
Elinor Cohen is a Founder and CEO of The Social Fairy and Co-Founder of The Engagement Strategy group. The creator of the 3Ws model for leveraging community as a marketing tool and writer of many articles that help entrepreneurs grow their businesses. Passionate about people and communities and a long-time marketing and social media expert. Using speaking as a way to share her expertise and teach people, Elinor also train C-level management and consult for many businesses and organizations around the globe, from larger corporations to small startups. Elinor`s knowledge and expertise are industry agnostic and she works with municipalities, banks, consumer electronics, medical device and health organizations, as well as being the house mentor for global accelerators such as MassChallenge Switzerland and H-Farm in Italy. Elinor is a polyglot and speaks 6 languages. She moved to Italy from Israel to make a childhood dream come true.
Startup Marketing – Why It Is Not Enough to Have a Great and Innovative Idea
Being a native of the “Startup Nation” and having decades of experience working in and with Startups in almost any imaginable field, Elinor have learned that having a great idea is not enough. You can have the best idea, the most innovative approach and even no competitors (yes, this CAN happen… not often, but it can) and still your startup will fail. Why? Because people are missing one of the most important points in this day and age – especially in the digital and connected age we live in, marketing comes first. Yes, you read that right. Marketing comes before anything else. It comes before product design, before production and often even before fundraising. In this talk Elinor will review a few case studies of spectacular successes and failures of startups in various sectors.
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Developing Communities as One of the Most Important Channels of Marketing in the Digital Age
This workshop will cover the concept of using communities as marketing channels (both B2B and B2C). It will look at what a community is, why we need to build communities (multiple per brand), how to build them and how to manage them and measure their success. You will work on things such as defining measurable engagement indices, added values, and more in a top-down approach: from the Strategy and vision all the way to an actionable plan.
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