Conference + Expo
[April 26-29, 2021 | Online]

Skip Fidura
Position: Fractional CMO
Company: Overmore Group
Country: UK
Skip Fidura is a consumer centric digital marketer with over 20 years’ experience on the client, agency and provider sides. Working for dotmailer, OgilvyOne and Acxiom Digital, he has helped B2B and B2C brands like BT, Fred Perry, Paul Smith, DHL and Copa Airlines have real conversations with each customer across all digital channels. Skip has also been an Executive Director at the dotDigital Group plc and a Non-executive Director of the UK DMA. As Chair of the Responsible Marketing Committee he shaped the discussion and defined best practice around the responsible use of data and marketing channels. He currently works with a number of companies as a Fractional CMO, Non-Exec Director and Board Advisor helping them to protect and monetise their data assets.
Skip is a globally recognised data-driven marketer whose high energy talks are more about useful suggestions than buzzword bingo. Making complex concepts actionable, his talks focus on using technology to have real conversations with customers, consumer centric uses for data and responsible marketing.
Attribution Is Broken – How to Fix Yours Without Spending a Ton of Money
Half of my marketing budget is wasted; I just don’t know which half.” This observation made in the 1890’s launched attribution modelling. The question, however, is who benefits from attribution modelling? Quite simply, the answer is the people that think half of the marketing budget is wasted – the finance department. In this session, Skip will give you a straight forward approach to determine:
– How much marketing budget you need to achieve the goals you’ve been given by management
– How to best deploy that budget
– A clear picture of how much you should be spending to acquire each lead
– A logical and defensible means to justify their discounting strategy
– An understanding of whether your tests are working or not
[Session Keywords]
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