Conference + Expo
[April 26-29, 2021 | Online]

Katrine Konyher
Position: Marketing Specialist
Company: Khora Virtual Reality
Country: Denmark
Katrine Konyher is experienced in the marketing world and specializes in helping companies develop campaigns and marketing strategies with immersive technologies such as virtual reality and augmented reality. Katrine has a past in the entertainment and experience industry and has worked with marketing and campaign planning in companies such as MTV, Scanbox Entertainment and Ticketmaster. Her passion and curiosity for strategic marketing and immersive technologies give her a broad insight into how AR and VR can innovate companies’ going forward in the marketing field.
Augmented Reality (AR) the New Marketing Tool
Augmented Reality is a technology that is gaining great popularity among social media users – Instagrammers, Facebookers, Snapchatters and Tiktokers.
This means that more and more brands are beginning to use AR filters in their campaigns to show their products and services in a fun, creative and innovative way. In this webinar you will gain an understanding of the various AR filters functions and how they can be distributed – as well as an insight into the world of possibilities AR opens up for and which creates fun and unique campaigns where users can interact directly with a given product or brand.
There will be examples in the webinar that we will look at and test together – so it is a good idea to have Facebook, Snapchat, Instagram and TikTok installed on your phone.
Three “key takeaways” from this webinar:
1) You will gain an understanding of the technology “Augmented Reality”
2) You will gain an understanding of the distribution possibilities for achieving reach and interaction with AR filters
3) You’ll try out some fun and inspiring examples of AR filters.
[Session Keywords]
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