Conference + Expo
[April 26-29, 2021 | Online]

Jemma Nimick
Position: Marketing Lead
Company: See.Sense
Country: UK
“emma has been working for See.Sense, a Cycling Technology company for over five years now, growing with the company.
See.Sense reactive bike lights identify dangerous situations and quickly react to them, making sure you stay safe and seen when you really need to be. The See.Sense bicycle tracker, AIR lets you know where your bike is anytime, anywhere.
With the ‘cycling boom’ and growth of eCommerce in 2020 and beyond, they experienced a lot and saw massive growth for the product side of our company which Jemma feels they could present that would be of interest to everyone joining in.
See.Sense – Our Online Story
A practical presentation of ‘Our Online Story’ from 5+ years experience of growing a small cycling brand into a, now shipping to over 75 countries with a community of over 70,000 cyclists.
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