Conference + Expo
[April 26-29, 2021 | Online]

Javed Khattak
Position: CEO and Co-Founder
Company: Zisk Properties
Country: UK
A qualified actuary (FIA), an award winning C-suite executive, a board member and a successful serial entrepreneur with a breadth of experience, leading complex programmes within both start-ups and large corporate organisations with market cap of over £100 billion, including advising and working with senior management of FTSE100 companies and global household brands like HSBC, Thomson Reuters, GSK, M&S, Aviva, PwC and PA Consulting Group. Javed has a proven track record of delivering exceptional results and developing successful and novel solutions to challenging problems evidenced by business success along with regular achievement awards. Javed is also a firm believer in giving back to society, which is why he focuses on empowerment, financial inclusion and education based projects alongside mentoring charitable initiatives.
The Digital Marketing 101 for Founders of New Startups!
As a founder of a startup, there are always limited resources, including money in the bank. One comes across so-called ‘Digital Marketing Experts’ regularly that promise you the moon and the stars. The experience is more often than not extremely poor – with you having lost not only money (their fee) but also valuable time, which you could have been utilising to make your business a success. In this session, we discuss some of the common mistakes Founders can watch out for and some tips to ensure they are on the road to success sooner rather than later, avoiding expensive mistakes!
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