Conference + Expo
[April 26-29, 2021 | Online]

Christoffer Bertilsson
Position: CEO
Company: LinkedKurs
Country: Norway
Our presenter is one of Scandinavia’s leading LinkedIn expert Christoffer Bertilsson.
Christoffer has helped thousands of professionals master LinkedIn, both for career development, network development and for creating more sales and business opportunities.
Christoffer has a background in digital marketing and helps businesses daily to better utilize digital platforms and become more relevant to their customers.
How to Utilize LinkedIn Strategically to Reach Your Goals in 2021
You will learn:
• How to use LinkedIn to develop your professional network
• What you actually need to do on LinkedIn to make you interesting
• An easy way to connect with quality contacts on LinkedIn
• The right way to post updates on LinkedIn to create maximum engagement
• How to sell professionally on LinkedIn, so you build long-term relationships that lead to more loyal customers
• Our 5-step methodology for your LinkedIn success and how to use LinkedIn to create new business
[Session Keywords]
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