Conference + Expo
[April 26-29, 2021 | Online]

Alicja Snarska
Position: Marketing Manager
Company: Meritum Cloud
Country: UK/Poland
Alicja is always analyzing schemes and patterns around her. She started her career in a startup, then worked for Microsoft, later gained experience doing marketing in smaller IT companies.
Her passion to communities resulted in opening an NGO aiming at promoting co-living and co-housing.
After hours Alicja studies psychology, cooks Mexican food and watches dog videos online.
Communities as a Marketing Vehicle
Communities as a marketing vehicle.
How to build and sustain a community that will be willing to buy and promote your products?
Alicja will share her experience from both corporate space (Microsoft, Atlassian (from the Partner point of view) and influencer marketing.
[Session Keywords]
# Community
# Influencers
# Psychology
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