David White
Position: Content Marketing Director
Company: connective3
Country: UK
David has led PR and outreach strategies for some of the globe’s biggest brands. With a background in business management and marketing, David has a deep understanding of the wider marketing mix and how this contributes to a brand bottom line
Creating Digital PR Strategies to Navigate the Ever-Changing News Agenda
You’ve planned a campaign, done all of the creatives, built your media lists for outreach and you’re ready for launch – but what do you do when the news agenda suddenly changes? From Global Pandemics to high profile deaths and natural disasters, the media is subject to constant change based on current affairs. If you can’t pivot at the last minute then you could find yourself out of pocket, with no results to show for it, so what can you do to prevent this? We’ve spent the last year focussing our efforts on creating campaigns that are built to last, and can move with the changing news agenda so that you’re not left with shelved campaigns, trying to salvage lost spend at the last minute. We will reveal how to do this in our talk.
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