Giedrius Morkunas
Position: Co-Founder
Company: Marketing Recycling
Country: Lithuania
With 15 years in marketing, Giedrius had the privilege to work from a start-up (Hostinger) to Fortune 500 companies (Western Union) with hands-on SEO, PPC, Content Marketing, Social Marketing, Email Marketing, UX and Analytics.
Currently, Giedrius is sharing his experience as a mentor to Europe’s Best B2B start-up accelerator Start-up Wise Guys and developing a new venture Marketing Recycling ltd. with a Digital Marketing Audit service.
Digital Marketing Audit – How to Improve your ROAS
This workshop is designed to improve Digital Marketing ROAS (Return On Ads Spent). Conduct Online Marketing Audit to assess which online marketing activities are generating the highest returns and where you are simply wasting money.
This workshop is a real opportunity to find out how to increase your online marketing ROAS by up to 15%.
- Part 1: Technical audit – are you tracking the data to improve your Digital Marketing ROAS?
- Tools to monitor and improve online marketing performance.
- How to track the performance at each stage of the sales funnel (TOFU – MOFU – BOFU).
- Part 2: Customer Acquisition Audit – do you know how much you can spend per new customer and which channel mix gives you the best ROAS?
- CPA (Cost per Acquisition) – calculate how much could be spent per customer acquisition.
- Sales funnel – set-up marketing channels mix at each stage of the sales funnel (TOFU, MOFU, BOFU, Retention).
- Part 3: Tactical Audit – are you using the best Performance Marketing know-how with every marketing channel?
- SEO performance audit.
- Gogole Ads performance audit.
- LinkedIn performance audit.
- Facebook performance audit.
The main goal of this workshop is to introduce participants to the best Performance Marketing practices so they would understand what to monitor and how to improve Digital Marketing efficiency.
[Target audience]
Startup Founders; e-commerce owners; CMO’s
[Technical requirements]
Have logins to the: Google Analytics; Google Tag Manager; Google Search Console; Google Ads; Facebook Ads Manager; LinkedIn Campaign Manager.
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