Roman Ihnatenko
Position: CEO
Company: Heavy Value
Country: Ukraine
Roman is a digital marketing specialist with 6+ years of experience. He is helping individuals and businesses to grow their presence on the market by generating sales and leads. His company generates $500,000-$650,000/month, generating 5000-10 000 leads a day.
Roman is also an active STM Forum member (Cassshy) – made a lot of posts there.
Feeling a strong desire to share his experience about the latest strategies for running FB, TikTok, Snapchat.
Tiktok Leadgen: How to Generate Thousands of Leads Daily
In this session, Roman will cover the following points:
• What’s a TT agency and how to get your own one;
• What’s are the offers that work;
• Campaigns integration and structure;
• How to test offers;
• How to produce original creatives that bring high CTR;
• How to scale to 500k revenue a month
• Issues and troubleshooting;
[Session Keywords]
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